Sand Storm

Red House Pottery

Decorative Work

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The pieces on this page were all fired either in saggars or in a high temperature reduction firing like my functional ware. A saggar is a refractory container into which the piece is loaded along with combustable and fumable materials such as kelp, rock salt, wood shavings and sometimes copper wire. They are fired to a temperature of 1800 F give or take.

bottle bottle bottle bottle
bottle bottle bottle bottle
bottle bottle bottle vase
bottle bottle bottle bottle
saggar bottle
saggar bottle
rain jar
saggar bottle
saggar bottle
saggar bottle
saggar bottle
saggar bottle

Googlyeye Vase

Googly Eye

Jazz Amphora

Jazz Amphora

Half Moon

Half Moon

Slag Vase

Slag Vase

Walnut Bottle

Walnut Bottle

Leaf Vase

Leaf Vase

Small Bottle

Small Bottle



Leaf Vase

Leaf Vase

Copper Leaf

Copper Leaf

Fern Vase

Fern Vase

Small Leaf Botle

Leaf Bottle


Small bottles


More bottles



Snow in Chaco

Snow in Chaco